• info@sproutschildtherapy.com
  • +91-9560699633

School Readiness Program

school redlines program in Gurgaon SPROUTS Attempt to take initiative of school readiness Program. Sprouts team seen the impact of therapy is not generalized in all aspects of self care/ADLs Skills, shows integration of therapy needed, those are scientific based and plan strategies to guide in every step to child and parents to solve problems and indirectly reduce the daily untold struggle. Under EIP, which we provide everything to child in one Roof. It’s a combination of all three service delivery model Interdisciplinary, Trans-disciplinary and Multidisciplinary Approach that structured interaction among team member, so child get age appropriate all aspects of development in one go without delay or ignored, especially in the aspects of Social-emotional, Behavioural and Self care skills
The growing acceptance and implementation of the team approach also reflect early intervention professionals’ view of human development that regards a child as an integrated and an interactive whole, rather than as a collection of separate parts (Golin & Ducanis, 1981). The team approach also recognizes that the multifaceted problems of very young children are too complex to be addressed by a single discipline (Holm & McCartin, 1978). The complexity of developmental problems in early life (Fewell, 1983) and the interrelated nature of an infant’s developmental domains are prompting early intervention specialists to recognize the need for professionals to work together as a team. What may best distinguish early intervention teams from one another is neither composition nor task, but rather the structure for interaction among team members.

Why Choose This Service

OBJECTIVE / AIM of EIP Provide school setting support that is appropriate to the child’s independence in self-care, Emotional regulations, Problem solving and Organize Behaviors. Parent’s Education and Training, regarding specific Behaviors and Tantrums Make home life easier for parents by establishing predictable routines that help child with motor planning difficulties to prepare for activities Determine which sensory channels are best perceived by the child and try to teach via these channels Use movement and pressure touch to prepare for an activity Practice turn taking and waiting skills to prepare for lining up and for communication Teach how to sit and participate in an activity Help the child understand which activities offer calming and how to identify rising anxiety Help the child connect her rising anxiety with calming strategies Teach the child how to tell others in the environment that the calming strategy is needed Encourage a willingness to share and communicate affection and appreciation SCHOOL READINESS PROGRAM FOCUSES ON SKILLS IN THESE FIVE AREAS school readiness program
  1. Individual Tailor Program: SI or OT/PT/Speech/ Special Ed. program, according to his sensory or Behavior needs
  2. Cognitive skills (thinking, learning, problem-solving);
  3. Communication skills (gesturing, talking, listening, understanding);
  4. Physical and sensory skills (crawling, walking, climbing, seeing, hearing);
  5. Social–emotional skills (playing, understanding feelings, making friends);
  6. Adaptive or self-help skills (eating, bathing, dressing, brushing).
  7. Preschool Programing (Reading, Drawing, Alphabet Knowledge, colors & coloring, Pre-writing, Writing, Counting & Numbers)
PROGRAM DETAILS Timing: 11:00 am 2:30 PM Registration: – 10,000/- Monthly package: 39500/-